HomeServices and SolutionsChange Management

Since the early 90s it has been reported that 70% of change project fail. Recent research still confirms this staggering failure. We believe this persist because organisations do not design change together with those that will implement and be affected by the change.
We undertake to assist our clients to design change with their teams. Our experts facilitate change conversations throughout all levels of the organization.
This enables the joint team to co-create appropriate change management strategy, the best of a constellation of change management methodologies tailored for the environment.
Our change management process include amongst others:
Building the business case for change
Diagnostic analysis
Change Strategy design and implementation
Change embedding
Change Management training and coaching
Why do people resist change
• People may perceive the change as requiring more time and energy than they are willing to invest.
• People may feel that a change will mean giving up something that is familiar, comfortable, and predictable.
• People may be annoyed with the disruption caused by the change, even if they know that it will be beneficial in the long run.
• People may believe that the change is being imposed on them externally, and their egos will not tolerate being told what to do.
• People may resist because of the way the decision to change was announced or because it was forced on them.

We support teams to navigate today’s complex challenges, while pursuing goals that will sustain the organisation.